Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Game Journalism Day 2

What did I do today?

Today I traveled along the desert, landing to mine trees and rocks. I ran into the seeker a bunch while doing so, as well as looting the towns. I crafted a lab and studied the seeker sample. I now know I need to get a revolver and craft golden bullets in order to kill the seeker.


Dead seeker


Town from air

What did I learn today?

I learned that if you swing your axe at an NPC, it will kill it. It's not a good idea to do that to the important ones, especially the traders. I also learned that the seeker doesn't come if you eat a cookie. You are able to hide from it if you go inside a building and wait for it to leave. Be careful though, because if you make too much noise, such as open a door, it will hear it and come back. I also learned how to cook canned food and fish. You need wood, a furnace and the fish or canned food. Place the wood inside the furnace and give it the food. 

Where do you get a stoned axe from?

What items can you eat?






How does the cookie stop the seeker?
It's simple. When you eat a cookie it turns the world into winter, with the ground covered with snow. The seeker is unable to come up from underground due to the snow covering the hole. 

This picture shows the snow covering the seeker hole.

What will I do next?
The next thing I will do is continue traveling along, trying to find more iron and gold to craft more workbenches and golden bullets. I hope on finding the revolver parts to craft one and hopefully kill the seeker. 

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